Tuesday, August 3, 2010

All Power

Most modern Lives of Christ begin in Bethlehem and end at Olivet, but the New Testament begins earlier and continues later. There is nothing more definite, clear, and unmistakable in the New Testament than the truth of our Lord’s present life and service in heaven. His work on earth is finished, but not so His work in heaven. He intercedes, He bestows the Spirit, He guides the Church, He is interested in individuals, He uses people, He controls affairs. We hear a great deal of going “Back to Christ.” The truer expression is “Up to Christ”; to the Christ on the throne – the living, exalted, and ever-present Lord. The Book of the Acts of the Apostles is really the Book of the Acts of the Ascended Christ; and this revelation of our Lord’s perpetual presence makes its claim upon us. How can we talk of retrenchment when “all things are ours” and “all power” is given to Christ for us?

1 comment:

  1. This is what the Apostles called "the faith". Well said!
